This we believe: A statement of faith

Woman singing during 敬拜 service

At 西雅图 Pacific University, bg视讯力求把bg视讯所做的每一件事都建立在耶稣基督改变人的福音上. Such a claim is both personal, a commitment by each member of our community, and institutional, 这个机构从创立之初就一直秉承着共同的愿望. 即使bg视讯庆祝世界各地教会的丰富多样性, we anchor our faith on the person of Jesus Christ, the authority of Holy Scripture, 以及历史上基督教会的传统.

1. We are historically orthodox

bg视讯确认 the historic Christian faith, 正如神所启示和权威的旧约和新约圣经所证明的那样, and as summarized, 例如, in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. bg视讯确认 that God is triune, and that the three divine Persons — the Father, 儿子, and the Holy Spirit — are coequal, 同质的, and coeternal.

bg视讯确认,由于上帝的恩典和能力,宇宙被创造出来, is continually sustained and governed, 并最终将带来它所承诺的圆满. bg视讯确认, 进一步, bg视讯人类是上帝按照自己的形象创造的,要成为受造界的管家, bg视讯蒙召要全心爱神, 灵魂, mind and strength, and to love others as ourselves.

bg视讯在神所指派的这些事上,竟没有成就,以致bg视讯现在受审判和死亡. 然而bg视讯欢喜,因为神的恩典在bg视讯的生命中是可得的, 死亡, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; and that through faith in Christ we are delivered from sin and 死亡 and empowered by the Holy Spirit for lives of joyful obedience to the Father. 最后, bg视讯回应圣灵的呼召,参与基督的身体, the church; to emb比赛 Christ’s mission to the world; and to live in the hope and assurance that Christ’s return will bring to completion God’s saving work.

2. We are clearly evangelical

bg视讯站在基督教广泛的福音派传统和, 像这样, bg视讯喜乐地接受向世界宣讲福音的任务——神的好消息. bg视讯理解这意味着耶稣基督是世界的主和救主,只有他才能把破碎和堕落的人类从罪和死亡中解放出来.

bg视讯高举圣经的权威,认为它是神所默示的, 被教会接纳为bg视讯理解和见证的中心. bg视讯确认圣灵在人心中动工,点燃对耶稣基督的信心, 恢复人们与上帝和彼此之间的正确关系, 开始把人改造成基督的样式.

And we believe the gospel promise that light, 健康, 整体, 每一个祈求平安的人都会得到丰盛的平安. 然而,bg视讯也相信,bg视讯被呼召去实践bg视讯所宣讲的:首先, by cultivating vital Christian piety; and second, 通过公开见证和爱心服务融入周围的文化.

3. We are distinctively Wesleyan

站在历史和福音派基督教卫斯理圣洁分支内, 并承认自由卫理公会是bg视讯的创始教派, bg视讯是由约翰和查尔斯卫斯理的神学遗产通知.

bg视讯和他们一样相信,神拯救的目的是借着圣灵的改变工作,更新人的心,使人活出真正的圣洁. 他们强调人类回应圣灵更新工作的重要性,这塑造了bg视讯, 包括至关重要的精神纪律和实践-如祈祷, 冥想, 敬拜, Scripture study, charitable giving, public witness to Christ’s saving love, 为有需要的人服务——所有这些都是上帝恩典的途径.

最重要的是, bg视讯拥抱卫斯理家的希望,即上帝的改变之爱提供给所有的人, addresses all areas of life, 直到救赎了所有的受造之物,他才会满足.

4. We are genuinely ecumenical

作为约翰·卫斯理天主教精神的继承者, bg视讯寻求聚集来自不同神学和教会传统的人,他们经历过耶稣基督改变的大能. We believe that theological diversity, 当建立在历史正统和对基督共同而重要的信仰基础上时, 丰富了bg视讯的学识,见证了bg视讯主对教会内部团结的呼召.

bg视讯也清楚地意识到,还有其他将人们彼此隔开的隔离墙, 基督想要打破的墙——性别的墙, 比赛, 种族, 国籍, 语言, 和类. bg视讯相信,基督呼召bg视讯重视多样性,并为bg视讯大学社区的所有人寻求方法,以发展他们的个人天赋,并以有意义的方式为bg视讯的共同生活和工作做出贡献. 因此, in all of our diversity, we are centered in Christ, and called by him to shape, 模型, 一起参与到充满恩典的社区中.

因此, we commit ourselves to this faith, 以及这些塑造bg视讯信仰社区的影响, and we pledge ourselves, with humility and conviction, 以bg视讯所知的最好方式生活,与耶稣基督有爱的关系,忠实地为他人服务. bg视讯相信这是bg视讯生活的中心,也是bg视讯bg视讯社区生活的指导愿望.

- 2004年5月21日,董事会批准了SPU的信仰声明.

Overhead of Students Praying

Campus Ministries

As campus pastors, bg视讯努力为学生提供广泛的敬拜机会, 门徒, and reconciliation at 西雅图 Pacific.

“Unite the pair so long disjoined,
Knowledge and vital piety,
Learning and holiness combined.”
Charles Wesley
Lectio: Guided Bible Reading

Lectio: Guided Bible Reading

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